Home» Divisions» Services Division» Survey & Drawing Department

Survey and Drawing Department deals with the following types of jobs.


Marking of Trial Pit Location Demarcation survey (Re-fixation of property lines and boundary marks with corridors as per the consultants approved drawing)
Trial Pit hole setting out Before laying the cable, final route demarcation/ survey (Re-fixation of property lines and boundary marks with corridors)
Survey for underground cable routes As built underground cable route survey with complete details
Topographical survey (includes utilities, corridors, properties, boundaries and road details) Over head line route details survey (HV & LV)
Underground utilities detection survey GPS- survey works (To establish control points connecting with QND with accurate co-ordinates)
Survey for the determination of depths of utilities    



GPS (Global Positioning System):- We have advanced GPS System. GPS is registered and approved by the General Survey Department of the Urban Planning & Development Authority (U.P.D.A.). Global Positioning System (GPS) equipment enables our Surveyors to obtain accurate co-ordinates from satellite observations. This technology is particularly useful in the more remote areas of the State of Qatar where the density of Government Survey Control points is sparse.
TOTAL STATIONS:- We have Total Stations and the Survey Department is well-equipped with the latest electronic Total Stations - each Survey team having its own complete set (including all necessary survey accessory items; Tripods, Tribrachs & Targets, Prisms, etc).
LEVEL MACHINES:- Our Survey Department is equipped with sets of Level Machines including accessories, tripods and measuring telescopic staff
GROUND PROBING RADAR SYSTEM (GPRS):- We have GPRS and it allows our Survey teams to see the position and depth of existing utilities in real time


Designing of preliminary cable route drawings based on Topographic Survey information and the corridor allocation / road hierarchy and the various existing services. Preparing Traffic diversion plan, Details of Bund, Concrete Cable Tile and miscellaneous drawings to meet the day to day requirements of the project execution team.
Preparation of Detailed Trial Pit Location Plan and Making the Trial Pit Reports along with coordinates and physical image (photograph). Preparation of  Detailed Cable route As-Built & As-Built Profile drawings
Designing Final Detailed Route Drawing, considering various aspects as availability of KAHRAMAA (Client) Electrical Corridor, Existing underground Services crossings, and spacing. Preparing A route marker location plan drawing based on the approved As-Built drawing.
Designing various Road Crossing Profiles for road crossing by HDD (Horizontal Directional Drilling Method) or Open Cut Method. Preparation of profile drawings for 11/33kV overhead lines for KAHRAMAA (Qatar Electricity).


Key Personnel




 Head of Department

